January 21, 2020
Couple: Sam and Connor
Location: OB and Sunset Cliffs
Okay so these two right here are the sweetest most genuine human beings I have ever met. They are getting married this May at Mt.Woodson Castle in Ramona, CA and I seriously cannot wait! When Sam first reached out to me I loved what she said in her email about why wedding photography was important to her and how it would play a role in her life for years to come.
“Photos for our wedding are one of the things we will cherish the most. They will be hung in our home and we will be able to share all of the beautiful memories with our future kids and family. We think that photos can capture the essence and spirit of a couple and we want photos that reflect the joy, peace, and grateful hearts that are a result of our relationship.”
I think sometimes we can get so caught up in the “now” and we forget that our wedding day and marriage is part of our story and part of a legacy we will leave behind for future generations. When we commit ourselves to another person we are saying, we were here, we are alive, we have been loved, we want to love this person for the rest of our lives and this is how we celebrated it. We may not find these stories written on papyrus paper or in an ancient language but someone down the line may stumble across this blog post and read about a couple they don’t know and might be inspired or get a little bit of joy of seeing their relationship. I don’t know this post got really deep super quick so to end it, please enjoy these freaking adorable photos of Sam and Connor from our time in Ocean Beach and Sunset Cliffs.
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